I'm a happily married man living in the Sonoran Desert.
Born in the mid 1960's. Raised in a small farming village you can find all over the mid west. I came to Arizona in 1983 for a summer vacation and never went back. I love the diversity of this state; in its landscape to its people. This blog is mainly for family and friends, but all are welcome to view.
Through hard work and many sacrifices, I have achieved several life goals in the past few years. I am happily married. I bought a house a year ago. And I have graduated college with an Engineering Degree. My hobbies include gardening, reading (mainly science fiction) and also writing sci fi short stories. I love travelling. My senior year of high school, I was a foreign exchange student to Temcuo, Chile. I returned to visit the many friends I have there in 2013 and hope to return many more times.
This blog will document my travels and some odds and ends around the house.